Eve Kiiler

Eve Kiiler

Visual artist, photographer,  lecturer, curator
Born 1960, in Tartu, Estonia

Currently based in Tallinn, Estonia
Contact: eve.kiiler10[   ]gmail.com

2024 Everyone is at Home: Pärnu / Igaüks on kodus: Pärnu, Nova gallery, Tallinn University, Tallinn
2023 Everyone is at Home / Igaüks on kodus, Vabaduse Gallery, Tallinn
2023 Individualists: Narva / Individualistid: Narva, Tallinn University, Tallinn
2022 Alone in the City. Photographs 2021-2022 / Üksi linnas. Fotod 2021-2022, Gallery of the Academic Library, Tallinn University
2021 All Roads Lead to the Sea / Kõik teed viivad mereni, Haapsalu City Gallery, Haapsalu
2021 Looking Through the Windows, Festival Fictions Documentaries, CCI de l’AudeCarcassonne, France
2021 Location Scouting by the Sea / Võttepaik mere ääres, Tallinn University, Tallinn
2020 Location Scouting by the Sea / Võttepaik mere ääres, Vabaduse Gallery, Tallinn
2019 The Old and New Neighbours / Vanad ja uued naabrid, Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn
2018 Looking through the Windows / Vaadates läbi akende, Positiiv Gallery, Tallinn
2018 The 
Homes of Kolde Street / Kolde tänava kodud, Positiiv Gallery, Tallinn
2016  Urban Observations: Fenced Garden City / Linnavaatlused: Aiastatud aedlinn, Photography Museum, Tallinn
2016   Archive of the Standards of Beauty / Ilu etalonide arhiiv, Tallinn University
2015   Under the Gaze of Monuments / Monumentide pilgu all, Vabaduse Gallery, Tallinn
2013   Meeting Place – Seaside Avenue 20, Architecture Centre FUGA, Budapest
2009   Meeting Place – Seaside Avenue 20 / Kohtumispaik - Mere puiestee 20, Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn
2009 Plaster Heads and Forest People / Kipspead ja metsarahvad (with Piret Räni), Võru City Gallery, Võru

2008   MuseumLab / Muuseumilabor, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Tallinn
2007   Museum as Theatre / Muuseumiteater, Tartu Art Museum, Tartu
2003   Architectonics of Progress / Progressi arhitektoonika, Tallinn City Gallery, Tallinn
2002   Architectonics of Progress. Five scenes / Progressi arhitektoonika. Viis episoodi, Kilpkonna Gallery, Viljandi
2000   Reflections / Peatuste peegel, Gallery of Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
1998   Four Plays with Right-wing Rules / Neli mängu parempoolsete reeglitega, Rottermann Salt Storage, Tallinn
1996   Days of Obligatory Happiness / Kohustusliku õnne päevad, Blackheads Guild Gallery, Tallinn
1994   Estonian Studies, Galerie in der Brotfabrik, Berlin
1994   Private Monuments / Eramonumendid, A.H.Tammsaare Museum, Tallinn
1992   This is London!, Kiek in the Kök, Tallinn City Museum, Tallinn
1985  The People of Kihnu Island / Kihnu inimesed, Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn City Museum

1984   Sandwiched Landscapes / Kihilised maastikud, Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn City Museum

2023 A selection of Contemporary Estonian Photography, Fotografiska Tallinn, curator Kaisa Maasik
2020  A Day in Tallinn 2020 / Päev Tallinnas 2020. Museum of Photography, Tallinn City Museum, Tallinn
2020  It’s Incredibly Cool to See All of You Here! / On ütlemata vinge teid kõiki näha!, curator Kaire Nurk, Tartu Art House, Tartu
2018 The X-Files [Registry of the Nineties] / Salatoimikud [Üheksakümnendate kartoteek], curators Eha Komissarov and Anders Härm, Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn 

2018  Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More, Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA1), curator Katerina Gregos, Residence of Kristaps Morbergs, Riga
2018 YIA International Art Fair, Le Carreau du Temple, Paris
2018 ArtVilnius'18, International Contemporary Art Fair, Vilnius

2017  Mediating Space – Cartographies of Madrid and Tallinn, curators Stefano Carnelli, Pablo Conejo and Mattias Malk, Deptford X Gallery, London
   Estonian Photographic Art Fair, Green Hall, Telliskivi Creative City, Tallinn
2016   Kumu Hits. Contemporary Art from the Collection of the Art Museum of Estonia / Kumu hitid. Kaasaegne kunst Eesti Kunstimuuseumi kogust, curators Kati Ilves, Eha Komissarov, Annika Räim, Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn
2015   From Explosion to Expanse. Estonian Contemporary Photography 1991 - 2015, curator Anneli Porri, Tartu Art Museum, Tartu
2015   Cool Water. A comparative insight into art photography in the Baltics during the transition period, curator Tanja Muravskaja, Tallinn Art Hall Gallery, Tallinn
2015   1995, curators Anders Härm & Hanno Soans, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn
2014   Black House. Notes on Architecture, curator Anders Härm, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn
2013   Where You End, I Begin / Kus lõped sina, algan mina , curator Anneli Porri, Tartu Art House, Tartu
2010   Kunst macht frei – Contemporary Estonian Art, curators Gabriella Uhl & Reet Varblane. Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs, Hungary 
2007   Continuous Past. Signs of the Soviet Era in Recent Estonian Art /Kestev minevik: nõukogude aja märgid uuemas eesti kunstis, curator Anu Allas, KUMU Art Museum, Tallinn
2004   In Exile. 13th Tallinn Print Triennial, Rotermann Salt Storage, Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn
2000  Duchamp’s Suitcase, curator Heie Treier, Arnolfini Centre for Contemporary Arts, Bristol, UK
1999   Private Views, Institute of Contemporary Art Dunaujvaros, Hungary
1998   Private Views: spaces and gender in contemporary art from Britan and Estonia, curators Mare Tralla & Pam Skelton, Rotermann Salt Storage, Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn
1998   Out of the Shadow, Wellington B Gray Gallery, Jenkins Fine Art Center, Greenville, NC, USA
1997  Hortus Hostium, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
1996   Archeology of Dreams, Panevezis Art Hall, Panevezis, Lithuania
1996   The Inner Circle / Sisemine ring, Estonian National Museum, Tartu
1996   A Few Ways of Life: Estonian Photo-based Art of the Early Capitalism, Krajanské Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia
1996   Estonia as a Sign / Eesti kui märk. Annual exhibition of the Soros Centre of Contemporary Art, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn
1994   B - Photographic Art from the Baltics / B – Valokuvataidetta Baltiasta, curators Eija Haapalainen & Päivi Alajuntti, Finnfoto Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1993   Borderlands. Contemporary photography from the Baltic States, curator Peeter Linnap, touring exhibition in GB - Street Level Gallery, Glasgow; Impressions Gallery York, Wolverhampton, Kirkaldy Art Museum, Hull
1993-1994  The Memory of Images. Baltic Photo Art Today / Das Gedächtnis der Bilder. Baltishe Photokunst Heute, curators Barbara Straka & Knut Nievers - touring exhibtion: Stadt Galerie Kiel, Germany; Rostock Art Hall, Berlinische Galerie/ Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin; Hotel Latvia Art Center, Riga; Gdansk Academy of Fine Art
1993  Substance - unsubstance / Aine - aineta. Annual exhibition of the Soros Centre of Contemporary Art, curator Ando Keskküla, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn

1992   Images from Borderlands, Saaremaa Fotofestival, Museum of Saaremaa, Estonia
1992  Baltisk Fotografi, curators Lis Steincke & Peeter Linnap, Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark
1991   Contemporary Russian and Baltic Photography, Roy Boyd Gallery, Chicago, USA
1991   Estonian Photographers, Musée de la Photographie, Charleroi, Belgium
1989   Photographes Estoniens, Centre Culturel Jean Jaurés de Nevres, France
1989   Confused Times, Lahti, Tampere, Finland

2018  I am to myself a mystery / Ma olen endale mõsitatus, Museum of Photography, Tallinn
2018  Imagined Spaces / Kujutletud ruumid, co-curator Margo Kask, Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn
2017  Six Objective Views / Kuus objektiivset vaadet, Museum of Photography, Tallinn

2004   Fantastic Realism / Fantastiline realism, Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn
2002   New Beautiful Life / Uus ilus elu, Estonian Artists’ Association Annual exhibition, Draakoni Gallery, Tallinn
2000   Scratched Legends: Estonian Photography 1960-2000 / Kriimustatud legendid: Eesti fotograafia 1960-2000, co-curator Mari Laanemets, Mai Mano Gallery, Budapest
1998   OUT '98, installation and performance festival in Tallinn Old City, co-curator Piret Räni, Tallinn
1997   Inventory in the Museum of Aesthetics / Inventuur esteetika muuseumis, Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn
1997   Invasion / Invasioon. Saaremaa Biennial,  co-curator Peeter Linnap, Saaremaa Museum, Kuressaare, Estonia
1995  Fabrique d’Historire / Ajaloo vabrik. Saaremaa Biennial, co-curator Peeter Linnap, Saaremaa Museum, Kuressaare
1992  Images from Borderlands. New Photography from the Baltics  / Visioone ääremaadelt. Uus Baltimaade Foto. Saaremaa Photography Festival´92, co-curator Peeter Linnap, Saaremaa Museum, Kuressaare, Estonia

1989   How to Portrait the Estonian? / Kuidas portreteerida eestlast?, Tallinn City Museum, Museum of Photography, Tallinn
1988   Baltic Triennial of Young Photographers, A.H.Tammsaare Museum, Tallinn

Estonian Art Museum, Kumu Art Museum
Museum of Estonian Architecture
Tallinn City Museum, Museum of Photography
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College Chicago

2006 -  ...  Doctoral studies (unfinished) at Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture , Helsinki/Espoo
2001 - 2003 Goldsmiths College, London University, MA in Cultural Studies.
1980 - 1986 Estonian State Art Institute, Interior architecture and furniture design (5-year degree)

2024 - . . . . Tallinn University, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Lecturer of contemporary art
2015 – 2024  Tallinn University, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Lecturer

2014 – 2015 Tallinn University, Institute of Fine Arts, Assistant
2011 – 2012 Tallinn University, Institute of Fine Arts, Art education methodologist
2006 - 2010  Archimedes Foundation grant for doctoral studies in Aalto University, Helsinki
2003 – 2005 Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Fine Arts, Professor of photography
1998 – 2003 Estonian Academy of Arts, Head of Photography Center, photography course leader
1994 – 1998 Estonian Academy of Arts, Photography Center, assistant, part-time lecturer

2004 13th Tallinn International Print Triennial, Diploma
1998 Eve Kiiler, Kristjan Raud Annual Arts Award - for curatorial work, Invasion / Invasioon. Saaremaa Biennial 1997
1995 Estonian Cultural Endowment, Annual Award - for Curatorial work, Fabrique d'Histoire. Saaremaa Biennial 1995

Kiiler, Eve; Musneckiene, Edita; Vitola, Ilze. (2015). Art Education in the Baltic Countries: Approaches to Contemporary Art and Visual Culture. In: Anette Göthlund, Helene Illeris, Kirstine W. Thrane (Ed.). EDGE: 20 Essays on Contemporary Art Education, pp. 140−159. Copenhagen: Multivers Academic.
Kiiler, Eve (2014). Impacts of the art events as designators of urban spaces in the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011 programme. In: Hellrand, Maris (Ed.). Culture! Capital. Change? pp. 79−90. Tallinn: Tallinn Creative Hub.
Kiiler, Eve (2014). Tallinn 2011 Euroopa Kultuuripealinna programmi kunstisündmuste mõju avaliku linnaruumi tähistajatena. Hellrand, Maris (Toim.). Kultuur! Pealinn. Muutus? Mõjutusi Euroopa kultuuripealinna aastast Tallinna kultuurielule, lk. 77−90. Tallinn: SA Tallinna Kultuurikatel.
Kiiler, Eve (2012). Visitor Photography in Art Museums and Models of Participation. In: Sederholm, Helena (Ed.). Artbeat, pp. 171−182. Helsinki: Aalto Arts Books.
Kiiler, Eve (2011). Circulation of Museum Visitors' Photographs: from Art Museums to Collaborative Archives. Kūrybos erdvės 15, pp. 58−66.
Kiiler, Eve (2011). Kujutis, mälu ja fiktsioon Baltimaades. Kunst.ee. Estonian Magazine of Art and Visual Culture, 2011/3-4, lk 92−93.
Kiiler, Eve (2008). Noorte kunstnike biennaal ja biennaalimaastike mõõdupuu. Kunst.ee. Estonian Magazine of Art and Visual Culture, 2008/2, lk 12−15.
Kiiler, Eve (2008). Vaatajate valik. Kunst.ee. Estonian Magazine of Art and Visual Culture, 2008/4, lk 46−53.
Kiiler, Eve (2006). Histories. Inta Ruka. In: Bush, Kate & Sladen, Mark (Ed.). In the Face of History: European Photographers in the 20th Century, pp. 244−245. London: Black Dog Publishing.
Kiiler, Eve (2005). W2LO : Welcome to London. Cheese, Estonian Photography Magazine 13, pp. 34−39.
Kiiler, Eve (2003). Firmad ja fiktsioonid. Kunst.ee. Estonian Magazine of Art and Visual Culture, 2003/1, lk 36−48.